Wrap – A passport for a textile enterprise in the integration era

The global textile and apparel market is in the context of fierce competition as consumers’ demand for shopping increases slowly. To maintain growth momentum, Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises need to focus on expanding overseas markets by well implementing the requirements of their partners, including joining Wrap – International Standard of Responsibility. Business People.

Existing challenges with the textile industry

According to statistics of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (Vitas), the total export turnover of textiles and garments in the first quarter of 2018 was estimated at $ 7.62 billion, up 13.35% over the same period in 2017. In which, exports garment export reached 5.98 billion USD, up 12.49%; fabric export reached 335 million USD, up 20.5%; fiber export reached 906 million USD; 16.5% increase.

In fact, businesses have increased their coverage in major markets such as the US, EU, South Korea … According to preliminary statistics, in the first 2 months of the year, Vietnam’s textile and garment exports to the US up 15%, the CPTPP countries up 23%, the EU 23%, South Korea up 18% and especially in China, reaching 46%.

With the above good signals, it can be seen that the textile products produced by Vietnamese Enterprises are completely competitive in the international market, only need to have the right direction. It is known that these foreign markets are quite demanding and strict in importing goods from other countries for consumption. Currently, these Enterprises are not only concerned with the quality they are also interested in the corporate social responsibility when producing those products. This poses a challenge for garment enterprises to properly apply the standards of social responsibility to meet the requirements of their customers.

“In the context of TPP integration, businesses have to pay more attention to strictly comply with the laws on labor, the Law on Environmental Protection, the Competition Law, etc. as well as to raise policies above the legal level to increase competitive factor. ”

Wrap – The ticket for the integration of textile and apparel businesses

In the world, there are many sets of standards that have been born to guide and motivate businesses to fulfill their social responsibility, among them are legal standards and some standards carry Incentives are not that binding. One of the standards applied by most of the major garment enterprises in the world is WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production).

Wrap is an independent standard of production that adheres to the principle of conduct, is independently implemented and controlled and ensures that the manufacturers’ operations follow a coherent rule and comprehensive inclusion.

Since WRAP was known as a common practice program in the product supply chain, about two decades ago, this socially responsible certification model was still being adapted, along with other The approach is based on ILO conventions and local laws to define the specific requirements in establishing compliance. Especially in some areas, this pattern had a significant impact.

Subjects of application of WRAP

The WRAP standard is applicable to all organizations and businesses regardless of the type, size and the products or services provided. Any organization can apply the WRAP standard to the area of ​​activity of the business.

WRAP standards are built based on ILO conventions, so consistent with the principles of the TPP will help Vietnamese enterprises to be accepted in many major overseas markets, thereby opening up opportunities to raise prices value for the entire Vietnamese garment industry.

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